I am determined from this point forward to do one project a month.
I'm not talking about little projects, I do plenty of those a week.
I am talking about large remodel type projects.
Because we are moving in a year and I gotta get this house ready!
Upon blog hopping and hearing what family and friends have said, its apparent I need to "upgrade" some things. Others are things I think someone in the market is going to look for.
I am going to try and do this all on a small and I mean really small budget and show you exactly what it cost me, exactly what I did (before and after photos) and then let you be the judge!
Since January is over, well almost over I'll start in February!
Here is my tentative list for getting this house ready to sell...
February - Laundry
March - Main Bathroom
April - Yard
May - Master Bedroom
June/July - will be spent vacationing, yeah!
August - 2nd Bedroom/office
September - Master Bathroom
October - Kids Bedroom
November - Kitchen
December - Living Room
Depending on the circumstance these may be done out of order... or even in the same month as another. Why paint the bathroom and bedroom the same color in a different month?
So now I need some advice before I get going. What do I need to do to sell my house. Things you had to re-do to sell yours, things you want to see in another house. Things you think should be done anyway or things you think are a waste of time.
Examples would be "I don't think paint colors should be dark, or teal" and My grandma would put it, in regard to my main bathroom.
Or maybe even switching out all of the light switches and outlets that were previously painted white... yes, the last home owner painted cream colored switches white to look more "updated" Needless to say they have peeled the 3 years we have lived here and now look ridiculous, so yes we are replacing them!
Give me your feedback, I am eager to hear!