Part 1- My Story on why I am the person I am...

Well, my name is Mallory, obviously.

to be exact...

Mallory Marcelle Henson Lloyd Johnson
(First name) (middle name) (moms maiden name) (my maiden name) (married name)

Ridiculous I know.

You can just call me Mal

I grew up in Sandy Utah, I have a brother who is 14 years younger then me. We were both accidents, one too early and one too late. But our parents love us nonetheless. I went to Brighton High School and dated a kid the whole time I was there, plus waited for him on his LDS mission. It' didnt work out, but its much better that way.

My first job was at Alphagraphics, loved it, then I moved onto Westminster College, also loved it.

I reconnected with a Mr. Nate Johnson, whom I also went to high school with and was friends with my then boyfriend and I.

Nate and I had a good friendship going in late 2005, neither of us thought anything of it.

2006 rolls around and all of the sudden we like each other. In fact we went from like to "love" in a matter of weeks, then from "love" to "lets get married" within a matter of days.

It was fast!

However our engagement was not! 6 long months!

We putted around making plans for the wedding, well I guess I did. I don't know a guys who is ever totally committed to wedding plans. I designed my ring in early April and Nate actually purposed to me on the 24th of May (The day the ring was finished).

In June Nate and his parents had already planned a trip to China and took off for a vacation of a lifetime, while I sat lonely at home.

However during that time my close cousin, Jeffrey Kenneth "Kenny" Lloyd died on June 22, 2005 (This is relevant later). A sad time for my family.

August 17, rolls around and we get hitched!

We spent the next few months trying to get used to one another, trying to live with each other on not rip each others heads off. The transition to living with someone can be difficult. And they say the first year of marriage is a difficult one and we couldn't agree more.

March 2007. I am ill, I mean really ill. Have not a clue what's going on, go visit the Dr and he tells me I am pregnant!

We have only been married for 6 months!

I cried, honestly I cried for a long time. I wasn't ready to take care of a baby, heck I still couldn't take care of Nate. Nate on the other hand was thrilled. He had good spirits and tried his hardest to lift me up.

We didn't know how far along I was so I went in for an ultra sound. I was 12 weeks, pretty darn far. Except there was a problem. No heart beat. I will spare you all the details. But after a natural expulsion of one fetus, there was still another fetus in there. Yes another. My doctor determined that I was probably pregnant with two.

After that I suppose I was ready to have a family. I had been preparing myself for weeks to have a child, care for it, love it and then nothing. I began to long.

Part 2- The story must go on...

In the few short months after I had my D&C, Nate and I hit some turbulence from out past but we plowed on through. Exactly a year after we married, we learned we would be expecting once again.

This time we kept it very secret, we didn't tell a sole until the day we were sure everything would be okay. That day never came.

At 13 weeks we went in for a routine ultrasound and found out our baby was not growing properly. We also found out it was a boy!

We were forced to tell our family that the joy of having a baby would be a dark situation for all.

In the following appointments we were given horrible news. The outcome of the situation was grim and his condition worsened as the days went on. We did multiple tests, amniocentesis, ultrasounds and whatnot to only find more bad news.

On December 8th 2006 our baby boy returned to his Heavenly Father. He was not given a name.

Recovery was very hard for me, it took me a very long time to get over it. Almost 4 years now and I still can feel the urge to throw myself on the floor, throw a tantrum just like I did then and cry about how terrible it was.

From this point on Nate and I grew closer, we were forced to through the situations we encountered.

We had fun, we played, we loved, we did everything we could to take our mind off of the past and just live life. Oh we also got a dog, Atlas, who literally is just like our human children.

A year and 3 months after we said goodbye, we were finally blessed with news that we once again would become parents!

This pregnancy started out a bit worrisome, the possibility of a miscarriage shadowed my mind, but patience paid off and I carried the baby past full term.

During the time I was pregnant, Nate and I moved to Kentucky so he could go to dental school. We packed all our junk and left Utah in the dust.

Anyhow, back to the baby...

November 23, 2008 we welcomed Sage Kenneth Johnson

See I told you the name would be relevant later.

Part 3- Then and Now...

9 short months after Sage's birth we learned we would be expecting another family member, unplanned but very welcome.

Again the pregnancy started out the exact same way as Sage's, but this time we had two babies to worry about. Unfortunately one did not survive and the other one thrived.

9 months later on...

April 5, 2010 Paisley Lynn Johnson came into this world, beet red, screaming her little head off. It was wonderful!

Now Paisley is 5 months old, Sage is almost 22 months and they sure are a lively bunch. As a stay at home mom they both keep me on my toes, busy, busy, busy, all day long. And if I ever get a moment to myself you can find me crafting something random, sewing a new project, baking some yummy treats, taking photos, redecorating my house or enjoying the outdoors in these humid-humid days.

Nate is mid semester his 3rd year in school and we are really enjoying life out here. We have a full blown family and couldn't be happier.

Of course there are a million more things in my life that have helped shape me the way that I am, but non have had more impact on me than what I have just told you. My family is my life, without my husband, kids and dog I would literally be nothing.

What more can I say other than I love them!

So there is my brief story... about me...

Still want to know a little more?


I love snowflakes. My wedding ring has one engraved on the inside, a surprise from Nate. I have one on my car and... well i will just stop there.

I don't drink soda pop unless it's the only thing to drink. I would rather drink milk over anythings else and I drink straight from the gallon. A learned behavior.

I love music, older music. I don't like country or rap much. I grew up listening to 8 track tapes like Doobie Brothers, Steve Miller band and so on. I had a huge Rolling Stone phase, about 4 years of obsession. Followed by a infatuation for Pearl Jam, which I still have. I will always go for Metallica, Pink Floyd, John Cougar Mellencamp, Alice In Chains, Crystal Method, A Perfect Circle, Coldplay and a few others. I do not like girl singers very much!

I am a vegetarian, most days. I randomly eat pork and ground beef. It's a texture thing. I still make chicken for my family but I cannot stand to touch, smell or eat it.

I am OCD about where things belong in my house. Everything has it's place and when it gets out of order, I freak!

I love to design things, my home, my websites, invitations and so on.

I can't stand not having perfection but I deal without it.

Well I think thats about all for now. Enjoy the blog!